Silk is a natural protein fibre created by the silk warm as it spins its cocoon. It is produced by certain insect larvae, for example, larva of Bombyx mori. Silk worms are fed with Mulberry tree leaves 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Silkworm larvae encapsulates in 28 days. It spins 2-3 km of silk thread within 60 hours when creating its cocoon. Silk thread and cocoon are further processed to silk yarn or silk fabric

One of the best known silk is Mulberry-silk, which gets its name from Mulberry tree and -leaves. Mulberry larvae are fed with cultivated white mulberry tree leaves, so the cocoons of mulberry larvae are white. Mulberry silk fibre is white from its nature and usually it is not coloured. Tussah silk worms are fed with wild food, so the cocoons of Tussah worms can be found with many colours and that is why Tussah silk might have been coloured white during the production process. The biggest silk producer countries at the moment are China, India, Japan and Brazil. The consumer countries of silk are United States, Italy, France, Japan, Great Britain, Switzerland and Germany.